My Cats Gallery

I have three indoor cats.

1) Ozzy

He is a cross breed of Bengal and Persian. He has been neutered.
His age is 14 months with 4.5kg weight.

2) Husky

He has been adopted by us from the street. He has a sister, Blacky.
He is grey in colour with stripes on his body.
His dad is Birman and his mom is domestic cat.
His age is around 3-4 months.
An active cat and has an attractive attitude.

3) Blacky

She is Husky's sister. An independent cat coz she can play by herself.
She's a panic cat.


Playing together...

Can u see a cat in this pic??? Haha

Husky with his attitude...


Zoulhusni:My Emancipation said...

owh goshhhh!!..there are sooooo cute...(^_^)

alfasih~amiruliman said...

thank u....


f said...



meks ade 8 ekor kusing ye



molliesa said...

nak sekor!!! adiahkan la kat akuuuuuuuu..